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How to verify my website?
Xenia avatar
Written by Xenia
Updated over a week ago

You can verify your website using either a meta-tag or a HTML-file.

Here is a brief video explaining this process.

1. If you use a meta-tag, simply copy the tag from the box below and access your website’s source code (see the example).

2. The meta tag should be added in the <head> section of your website. Any other placement may cause delays in approving your website.

3. Upon completion of the changes, ensure to save your source code modification. Prior to returning to the 'Publisher Platform', double-check the meta-tag to ensure it contains no extra symbols or is reversed.

4. Return to the ‘Sites and Zones’ section in your Publisher Platform and click on the ‘Prove Ownership’ button.

5. If all steps have been completed correctly, your website status will change to ‘Pending’. Take your time — our moderation team will review your website within 72 hours. Once a decision is made, you will receive an email notification.

Alternatively, you can use the HTML Verification File Method:

1. Log in to your Publisher’s Dashboard and go to the 'Sites and Zones' section.

2. Choose a website you wish to verify.


3. Here, you can select either meta-tag or HTML-file verification:


4. Download the verification file by pressing the ‘Download’ button.

❗Please note that each website has its own unique verification file❗

5. Launch an FTP client (e.g. FileZilla) and connect to your website’s FTP.

6. Drag and drop your verification file into the root directory of your website’s FTP.


7. Return to your Publisher's Dashboard and click on 'Prove Ownership'.

8. If all steps have been done correctly, your website will be manually reviewed within 24 hours.

Still doesn’t work? Contact your personal manager or our support via email at or through our help center at

Your personal manager’s contact details are located in the top right corner of your Publisher Platform.

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