To fix the issue, please follow these step-by-step instructions:
- First, clear your cache/cookies, log in, and try again.
- If the issue persists, check for any installed ad blockers or extensions that might be causing this problem. Disable the ad blocker and try again.
- Next, try using ‘Incognito mode’ or switching it off if you are already using it.
- If that does not work, try using a VPN or switching it off if it’s already enabled.
- Lastly, if possible, try accessing the platform using another browser or device.
If you're using Chrome version 76 or higher:
1. Click the notification icon in the address bar.
2. Choose 'Always allow ads on this site' to enable Self-Serve Platform elements.
3. Check if the Self-Serve Platform is whitelisted in Google Chrome by following this link: chrome://settings/content/ads?search=sites
4. Ensure that is on the 'allow' list to avoid error messages.
If the issue continues, please contact your account manager or the support chat. Include a recorded video or screenshots of the problem (CTRL+Shift+I on Windows or Shift-Command-G on macOS) to help us assist you better.