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API (Documentation)
Xenia avatar
Written by Xenia
Updated over 4 months ago

General settings


"paramenter": value,

name - string/campaign name
direction - string/ad format, e.g. push-notification, onclick, video, skim
rateModel - string/price model, e.g. CPM, SCPA, SCPM, SCPC (for PN and video campaigns)
status - integer ($int32)/campaign's status, e.g. 1- draft 2 - moderation 3 - rejected 5 - testing 6 - working 7 - paused 8 - stopped
targetUrl - string/target URL of the campaign
frequency - integer ($int32)/campaign clicks frequency
capping - integer ($int32)/campaign clicks capping
impFrequency - integer ($int32)/campaign impressions frequency
impCapping - integer ($int32)/campaign impressions capping
freqCapType - string/type of frequency capping, e.g. user, device, ip
feed - string/traffic type, e.g. main
trafficVertical - string/offer vertical, e.g. apk, tools, datings
dailyAmount - number ($float)/daily budget for campaign
totalAmount - number ($float)/total budget for campaign
isDsp - boolean/to buy traffic from RTB sources
isAdblockBuy - integer ($int32)/e.g. 0 (NOT), 1 (YES), to buy traffic from anti-adblock zones
evenlyLimitsUsage - integer ($int32)/e.g. 0 (NOT), 1 (YES). Ad delivery method (the distributed delivery method aims at evenly distributing your daily budget across the entire day (0:00 - 23:59) or scheduled time period)
startedAt - date, e.g. 2021-05-21
id - integer ($int32)/campaign's ID
zoneRates - number/the rate for specific zone. This parameter can't be changed through PUT method. Available only for SmartCPM campaigns
isArchived - integer ($int32), e.g. 0 (NOT), 1 (YES). You can see if this campaign is archived (GET) or you can send it to archive (PUT)

Rate model


"rates": [{"amount": number($float),"country": [string]}

country - targeted country
amount - rate for targeted country

Push-notification campaigns settings

pushNotificationTitle - string
pushNotificationDescription - string
"pushNotificationIcon": data:image/png;base64 - add icon in base64 format
"pushNotificationCreative": data:image/png;base64 - add creative in base64 format
allowInPage - boolean
allowOnlyInPage - boolean
cohort - user activity, e.g.: HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW, REMNANT

"cohort": {"list": [{"id": "HIGH","code": "HIGH","title": "HIGH"},{"id": "MEDIUM","code": "MEDIUM","title": "MEDIUM"},{"id": "LOW","code": "LOW","title": "LOW"},{"id": "REMNANT","code": "REMNANT","title": "REMNANT"}],"isExcluded": false

Test settings (for CPC & SCPA campaigns)

budgetLimit - number ($float)/amount of test budget for CPC or SCPA campaigns
impressionsLimitEnabled - boolean/setting for CPC and SCPA test that allows you to set the restriction for the number of impressions for a zone without conversions/clicks
impressionsLimit - number ($float)/setting for the restriction of impressions for a zone without conversions/clicks

Video campaigns settings

"video": data:video/mp4;base64 - add video creative in base64 format
skipOffset - always equals to 5

Targeting campaign model


"targeting": {"list": [Targeting list model - "string"],"isExcluded": boolean}

osType - platform, e.g. mobile, desktop, other
os - e.g. android, tizen, kaios, symbian, ipad_os, windows_phone, blackberry, ios
vendor - e.g. samsung, xiaomi, apple
model - e.g. galaxy_m10, iPhone, ipad
country - e.g. fr, de, us
osVersion - e.g. android11, ios14, win10, mac10.15
deviceType - e.g. phone, tablet, desktop
mobileIsp - e.g. orange-fr
browser - e.g. chrome
language - e.g. fr
region - integer ($int32), e.g. 9870
city - integer ($int32), e.g. 7684
timeTable - e.g. Mon03, Tue07, Wed12
zone - e.g. 1820495
connection - string, e.g. mobile, other, all
proxy - integer ($int32) or string, e.g. 0 (NOT), 1 (YES), all

POST​ /api​/v2​/campaigns​/

The method used for campaign creation

Request examples

POST ​/api​/v2​/campaign​/{campaignId}​/change_status​/{status}​/

1- draft, 2 - moderation, 6 - working, 8 - stopped

The method is used to change the campaign's status

GET ​/api​/v2​/campaigns​/{campaignid}​/

The method is used to get campaigns settings and targeting information

PUT​ /api​/v2​/campaigns​/{campaignId}​/

The method is used to implement changes to the campaign's settings or targeting. You can take the data from the GET request, then make changes in the campaign's settings and targeting, and send it with the PUT method

GET​ /api​/v2​/client​/balance​/

The method is used to get the information about the remaining balance

GET ​/v1.0​/api​/client​/statistics​/

The method is used to get the campaign's statistics

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